- Węcel K., Sawiński M., Lewoniewski W., Stróżyna M., Księżniak E., Abramowicz W. (2024). Sentence Embeddings and Semantic Entity Extraction for Identification of Topics of Short Fact-Checked Claims. Information, 15(10), 659. Nowe!
- Lewoniewski W., Stolarski P., Stróżyna M., Lewańska E., Wojewoda A., Księżniak E., Sawiński, M. (2024). OpenFact at CheckThat! 2024: Combining Multiple Attack Methods for Effective Adversarial Text Generation. Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2024). Nowe!
- Stolarski P., Lewoniewski W. (2024). Analysis of the Successful and Bankrupt Digital Currency Exchanges Based on Open Data. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1079. Springer, Cham. Nowe!
- Lewoniewski, W. (2024). The Most Cited Scientific Information Sources in Wikipedia Articles Across Various Languages. Biblioteka, (27 (36)), 269-294. Nowe!
- Woźniak-Jęchorek, B., Woźniak-Jasińska, K., Lewoniewski, W., Kirov, V. (2024). Industry 4.0: a bibliometric analysis of social partners’ public messages in France and Germany. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 1-24. Nowe!
- Konieczny P., Lewoniewski W. (2024). Quantifying Americanization: Coverage of American Topics in Different Wikipedias. Social Science Computer Review. (Wstępna wersja) Nowe!
- Lewoniewski W. (2023). Jak oceniać treści z Wikipedii? ACADEMIA. Magazyn Polskiej Akademii Nauk, No 4 (76).
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2023). Understanding the Use of Scientific References in Multilingual Wikipedia across Various Topics. W: Procedia Computer Science, 225, 3977-3986.
- Sawiński, M., Węcel, K., Księżniak, E. P., Stróżyna, M., Lewoniewski, W., Stolarski, P., Abramowicz, W. (2023). OpenFact at CheckThat! 2023: Head-to-Head GPT vs. BERT – A Comparative Study of Transformers Language Models for the Detection of Check-worthy Claims. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol. 3497)
- Węcel K., Sawiński M., Stróżyna M., Lewoniewski W., Księżniak E., Stolarski P., Abramowicz W. (2023). Artificial intelligence — friend or foe in fake news campaigns. Economics and Business Review, 9(2).
- Konieczny P., Lewoniewski W. (2023). Measuring Americanization: A Global Quantitative Study of Interest in American Topics on Wikipedia. Wiki Workshop 2023. (arXiv)
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2023). Companies in Multilingual Wikipedia: Articles Quality and Important Sources of Information. W: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 471. Springer, Cham (PDF)
- Lewoniewski W. (2022). Identification of Important Web Sources of Information on Wikipedia across various Topics and Languages. W: Procedia Computer Science, 207, 3290-3299.
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2022). Identifying Reliable Sources of Information about Companies in Multilingual Wikipedia. W: 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2022). IEEE. (PDF)
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2022). Reliability in Time: Evaluating the Web Sources of Information on COVID-19 in Wikipedia across Various Language Editions from the Beginning of the Pandemic. Prezentacja na Wiki Workshop 2022.
- Maryniak A, Bulhakova Y., Lewoniewski W. (2021). Resilient supply chains 4.0 – a research review. W: 26th IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC).
- Maryniak A., Bulhakova Y., Lewoniewski W., Bal M. (2021). Creating Resilient Supply Chains Using Combination of Blockchain Technology and Different 4.0 Technologies. Konferencja ICIST 2021.
- Hellmann S., Johannes F., Hofer M., Dojchinovski M., Węcel K., Lewoniewski W. (2021). Towards a Systematic Approach to Sync Factual Data across Wikipedia, Wikidata and External Data Sources. Conference QURATOR 2021.
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2020). Modeling Popularity and Reliability of Sources in Multilingual Wikipedias, Information 2020, 11(5), 263.
- Maryniak A., Bulhakova Y., Lewoniewski W., Bal M. (2020). Diffusion of Knowledge in the Supply Chain over Thirty Years – Thematic Areas and Sources of Publications. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1283. Springer, Cham.
- Ge M., Lewoniewski W. (2020). Developing the Quality Model for Collaborative Open Data. Procedia Computer Science, vol 176.
- Härting R.-C., Lewoniewski, W. (2020). Main Influencing Factors of Quality Determination of Collaborative Open Data Pages, Information 2020, 11(6), 283.
- Azeroual, O., Lewoniewski, W. (2020). How to Inspect and Measure Data Quality about Scientific Publications: Use Case of Wikipedia and CRIS Databases, Algorithms 2020, 13(5), 107.
- Stolarski, P., Lewoniewski, W., Abramowicz W. (2020). Cryptocurrencies Perception Using Wikipedia and Google Trends, Information 2020, 11(4), 234.
- Coquidé, C., Lewoniewski, W. (2020). Novel version of PageRank, CheiRank and 2DRank for Wikipedia in Multilingual Network using Social Impact. BIS 2020. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 389. Springer, Cham. (PDF)
- Bondarenko O., Pakhomova O., Lewoniewski W. (2020). The didactic potential of virtual information educational environment as a tool of geography students training. 2nd International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education, AREdu 2019
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2019) Multilingual Ranking of Wikipedia Articles with Quality and Popularity Assessment in Different Topics. Computers. 2019, 8(3):60.
- Stolarski, P., Lewoniewski, W. (2019). Wikipedia as an Information Source on Cryptocurrency Technology. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 373. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-36691-9
- Lewoniewski W. (2019). Measures for Quality Assessment of Articles and Infoboxes in Multilingual Wikipedia. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 339. Springer, Cham. (PDF)
- Lewoniewski W. (2018). Metoda porównywania i wzbogacania informacji w wielojęzycznych serwisach wiki na podstawie analizy ich jakości. Praca doktorska, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu.
- Lewoniewski W., Kasprzak A., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2018). Kompletność danych o produktach w infoboksach różnych wersji językowych Wikipedii. Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia 9/2018
- Lewoniewski W.. (2018). Budowanie modeli jakości artykułów na określony temat w narodowych wersjach Wikipedii. W: Borusiak W. (red.) Gospodarka Technologia Społeczeństwo. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, s. 195–208. ISBN 978-83-7986-219-1
- Lewoniewski W., Härting RC., Węcel K., Reichstein C., Abramowicz W. (2018). Application of SEO Metrics to Determine the Quality of Wikipedia Articles and Their Sources. W: Damaševičius R., Vasiljevienė G. (red.) Information and Software Technologies. ICIST 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 920. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-99972-2
- Khairova N., Petrasova S., Lewoniewski W., Mamyrbayev O., Mukhsina K. (2018). Automatic Extraction of Synonymous Collocation Pairs from a Text Corpus. 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), Poznan, 2018, s. 485-488.
- Petrasova, S., Khairova, N., Lewoniewski, W., Mamyrbayev, O., Mukhsina, K. (2018). Similar Text Fragments Extraction for Identifying Common Wikipedia Communities. Data, 3(4), 66.
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2018). Determining Quality of Articles in Polish Wikipedia Based on Linguistic Features. W: Damaševičius R., Vasiljevienė G. (red.) Information and Software Technologies. ICIST 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 920. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-99971-5
- Petrasova S., Khairova N., Lewoniewski W. (2018). Building the Semantic Similarity Model for Social Network Data Streams. IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing (DSMP), Lviv, 2018, s. 21-24.
- Khairova N., Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Orken M., Kuralai M. (2018) Comparative Analysis of the Informativeness and Encyclopedic Style of the Popular Web Information Sources. W: Abramowicz W., Paschke A. (red.) Business Information Systems. BIS 2018. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 320. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-93930-8 (PDF)
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W., (2017), Relative Quality and Popularity Evaluation of Multilingual Wikipedia Articles. Informatics 2017, 4, 43.
- Lewoniewski, W., Węcel, K., (2017), Cechy artykułów oraz metody ich ekstrakcji na potrzeby oceny jakości informacji w Wikipedii. Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia 12/2017
- Lamek A., Lewoniewski W. (2017), Zastosowanie regresji logistycznej w ocenie jakości informacji na przykładzie Wikipedii. Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia 12/2017
- Lewoniewski W. (2017), Enrichment of information in multilingual Wikipedia based on quality analysis. Business Information Systems Workshops. BIS 2017. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 303. Springer, Cham (PDF)
- Lewoniewski W., (2017), Completeness and Reliability of Wikipedia Infoboxes in Various Languages. Business Information Systems Workshops. BIS 2017. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 303. Springer, Cham (PDF)
- Lewoniewski, W., Węcel, K., (2017), Relative Quality Assessment of Wikipedia Articles in Different Languages Using Synthetic Measure. Business Information Systems Workshops. BIS 2017. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 303. Springer, Cham (PDF)
- Lewoniewski W., Khairova N., Węcel K., Stratiienko N., Abramowicz W., (2017), Using Morphological and Semantic Features for the Quality Assessment of Russian Wikipedia. Information and Software Technologies. ICIST 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 756. Springer, Cham (PDF)
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W., (2017), Analysis of References across Wikipedia Languages. Information and Software Technologies. ICIST 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 756. Springer, Cham (PDF)
- Khairova N., Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., (2017), Estimating the Quality of Articles in Russian Wikipedia Using the Logical-Linguistic Model of Fact Extraction. Business Information Systems. BIS 2017. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 288. Springer, Cham (PDF)
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2017), Analiza porównawcza modeli klasyfikacyjnych w kontekście oceny jakości artykułów Wikipedii, Matematyka i informatyka na usługach ekonomii, Wydawnictwo UEP Poznań, ISBN 9788374179386
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W. (2016), Quality and Importance of Wikipedia Articles in Different Languages. Information and Software Technologies: 22nd International Conference, ICIST 2016, Druskininkai, Lithuania, October 13-15, 2016, Proceedings (PDF)
- Lewoniewski W., (2016), Porównanie modeli jakości artykułów w różnych wersjach językowych Wikipedii, Sesja Sprawozdawcza Doktorantów UEP 2016. Komunikaty.
- Lewoniewski W., Węcel K., Abramowicz W., (2015), Analiza porównawcza modeli jakości informacji w narodowych wersjach Wikipedii. Systemy Wspomagania Organizacji SWO 2015. Red. Porębska-Miąc. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach, s. 133–154
- Węcel K., Lewoniewski W., (2015), Modelling the Quality of Attributes in Wikipedia Infoboxes. Business Information Systems Workshops. Vol. 228. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer International Publishing, s. 308–320. (PDF, Prezentacja)
- Lewoniewski W. (2015). Bitcoin w systemach pieniężnych Białorusi, Ukrainy i Rosji. Paradygmat zrównoważonego rozwoju lokalnego i regionalnego we współczesnej gospodarce. CeDeWu, 2015